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History of Reagan Memorial Baptist Girls Secondary School Sabo-Yaba

The motto of the school “LOVE ONE ANOTHER” suggests that the school REAGAN MEMORIAL BAPTIST GIRLS' SECONDARY SCHOOL was built on love in 1941.


Rev. Dr. A. Scott Patterson who succeeded Miss Reagan was used by God to ensure the dream of establishing the girls’ school at Yaba was fulfilled. The building project commenced after the 2nd world war in May 1941, 3 buildings were constructed – The Chapel, the classroom and the Mission house at 4, Raymond street.

In 1997, the parcel of 150 x 100 ft or 3 plots of 50 x 100 ft each was conceded to Yaba Baptist Church by a panel of Nine American Missionaries (Demarcation Committee) headed by Dr. LN Patterson to build the first auditorium.  Also, the ownership of the parcel of mission land on which the official residence of the school principal was built and later transferred to Yaba Baptist Church by the Baptist Mission in Ibadan in 1982.

Reagan Memorial Baptists Secondary School was named after Miss Lucille Reagan who had vision of establishing a separate Baptist High School, for the full training of girls. Unfortunately, she died of yellow fever before the dream was realized in July 1937. To immortalize her and realize her dream, the southern Baptist Foreign Missions Board in USA provided funds for the establishment of the school.

The Baptist women of Texas raised funds from Lottie Moon Christmas Offering to put up the first building: A Chapel which still stands in the middle of the compound today (although small and inadequate to meet the needs of today).

In the year 1949, a Secondary Modern School began with Miss. Cora Ney Hurdy, a Baptist Missionary as the principal, she had the vision for the boarding school. This ted to start the first class of the secondary grammar school in 1952. The primary and secondary school remained in the same compound until the primary school was moved to Onike, Yaba in 1967 where it is today (It has been taken over by Yaba Baptist Church from the Government).

The school enrolment was low initially as only girls who could really excel academically were enrolled, only 27 were first enrolled. The school uniform was and it is still a blue pinafore with a belt on the back, a short sleeve white blouse and a long bow tie at the nock The student was capped in a maroon beret and a maroon jacket (blazer or a cardigan). On 22ndJanuary, 1948, two blocks of 10 classroom were dedicated in memory of James Churchwill Vaughan SR by Henry Sewell Pettiford. The blocks had 6 class rooms at one and 4 at that other. The buildings still exist in the school. Between 1952 and 1957, the science block including a library \and a senior block were built by government grant (both buildings no longer exist). Two dormitories, Dining Hall and the kitchen were also erected abs with funds from the Baptist Churches in America.  (The buildings are still in use).

Dormitory-1 was named “Goemer Hall” after Dr. H. C. Goemer, Secretary for Africa Baptist and Dormitory 2 was named “Hardy Hall” after Miss Cora Ney Hardy, the first principal of the school. The Dining Hall was named “Mobolaji Ayorinde Hall” in honour of Mrs.  J. T. Ayorinde, an outstanding Baptist Women Leader in Nigeria.

On the 11th of September, 1954, a young lady Cleo Anita Roper arrived in Reagan Memorial Baptist Girls’ Secondary School as a Missionary from Clarkesville, Georgia, USA. She was assigned to teach English Language, English Literature and Bible Knowledge. She led many girls to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and took charge of Girls Auxiliary group in the school. She influenced many girls through her work and Bible study to attain Spiritual heights as they were taken to G. A. Camps all over the country. She deputized as head of school in-between Principals whenever the need arose. She served dutifully for 37years, she only returned to her home to take care of her frail father in June 1991. (Reaganites still visit and celebrate her annually in her country home).

From 1960 the Nigerian Baptist Mission turned over the leadership of the school to qualified Nigerians, On 1 May 1965, the board of governors of the school installed Mrs. Adeola Adejumobi Adegbite as the first Nigerian Principal of Reagan Memorial Baptist Girls Secondary School after the retirement of Miss Cora Ney Hardy In January 1973, the school calendar was changed from January – December to September – June: This Federal Government Directive was to ensure that Secondary School Calendar fins and feeds students directly into universities and higher institutions in September. The population of the school increased and the chapel moved into Yaba Baptist Church which still hosts the school during her functions till this day. In 1976, the Lagos State look over the administration of all voluntary agency schools but Reagan upheld its ideals. The boarding house was phased out as government was unwilling to provide adequate finding to run it. The school hall was even partitioned to classroom. The science block was demolished to give way to new classroom blocks was demolished to give way to new classroom blocks.

Principals appointed during Government Era

Mrs. P. Soluade, 1976-1977 during this period the shift system was introduced and the Afternoon Session was headed by Mrs. H.N Ezeife. The population grew extensively. 1980, the Afternoon Session was renamed Aje Comprehensive High School and relocated Aje Street Saba. The number of classrooms increased from 13-31. Mrs O.O Ofuya-(1981 to 1984) during this time, the population of the school increased Mrs. A.O Akindeinde, October 1984-The school performed tremendously in academies and the first Introductory Technology workshop was set up.An old girl of the school, Mrs. Zansi O. 1962 (Bickersteth) became principal on 28 June 1989. While Mrs. Dadi was the principal between 1989-1994.

Also, another Old Girl, Mrs. Tutu Oriyomi Dawodu of the 1959-1964 set succeeded Mrs. Dada in 1994. The headcount of student got to its highest number (2,263) in 1995. The construction of the “Anita Roper Library” by the “Reagan Old Girls Association” (ROGA) began in 1992.It was so named to immortalize Miss Anita Roper who served in Reagan for nearly 40 years and returned to her home in Clarkesville, Georgia, in USA in 1991. Between 1996 and 1997, the population of the school was reduced to 1,944. Students with low academic records were advised to repeat the class or seek admission into other schools. This was because the academic performances of the school were at its lowest ebbs. ln 2001, the school was returned to the Nigerian Baptist Convention by the Lagos State Government through the efforts of the then Lagos Site Baptist Conference under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Oke. The Old girl, Mrs. Oriyomi Dawodu served with the mission till 2004. Mrs. Titi Amune became the principal in December, July 2018 under the Baptist Mission Schools. The lost glory of the school was restored with serious hard work in every area of the school over the years.

The school laboratory building housing 5 laboratories. Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Agricultural Science and Food and Nutrition, replaced the old staffroom and Vice Principal Administration office were demolished to erect a new laboratory building. (The uncompleted Anita Roper building was handed over to the Baptist Mission School for completion).

On completion, it was furnished and equipped by the Reagan Old students Association ROGA. Also, the Exxon Mobil in collaboration with NNPC, and the Old Girls initiated the renovation of the old Introductory Technology workshop and equipped it to a state-of-the-art workshop. A modem set of 12 toilets was reconstructed to replace an abandoned block of toilet. Mrs. Olusola Racheal Adeyinka, officially reported in Reagan on the 15th July, 2018 as principal till date. The school has experienced tremendous changes by the grace of God while Mrs. O. R. Adeyinka became the principal of the school. Right from the entrance of the school structure depict aesthetic beauty and the compound ground are with inter-locking blocks with a coined round about which has the school logo erected with sculptural piece at the centre. The Boarding house, under the Pastoral care of a Chaplain, Matron and House Mistresses has been restored. Today, Reagan has 4 blocks of dormitories and hotels and the name of Lumbley, Agbebi, Sanders and Reagan have been retained.

The school presently has a population of 62 Academic staff and 30 non-Academic staff. Reagan provides a well articulate educational programs with commendable extra-curricular, activities and sporting programs which include athletic mack events and physical training exercises as part of the school curriculum.

The Alumni Association is very active all over the world embarking on sponsorship programs, academics and financial support, construction and renovation of different buildings in the school. A new Laboratory building housing 5 Laboratory was erected to replace the old staffroom and vice principal office (which was demolished The Old School Hall formerly housed by the various laboratories.

Reagan is established in a flood prone environment but the food is being well controlled by the recently concreted school compound.

Reagan produced a respectable colony of Achievers in various fields of life and she is true to her calling…… “Training girls into Noble Christian Womanhood”. The future of the school is very bright.


  1. Administrative
  2. Provision of primary employment for over 100 dedicated staff since hand-over in 2001.
  3. Restoration of the school glory lost to government takeover in terms of spiritual social, physical, academic and general image of the school.
  4. Engagement in community development relationships as part of our corporate social responsibilities.
  5. Academics
  • Production of students in all fields of human endeavour
  • Production of top-rated students in several 1st class universities across the globe such as Akpapuna who graduated from Dillard University. Near Orleans, USAwith 1st classand overall best position recently.
  • Award winnings at state and national levels with trophies to show for it
  1. Infrastructure
  • Erection of 21st century classical Laboratories for Basic Technology, Sciences and Computer Studies.
  • Building of sufficient classroom blocks, with special rooms, staff rooms and toilet facilities.
  • Upgrading of the school kitchen to a state-of-the art standard.
  1. Extra-curricular
  • 1st position (junior category) in Brighter Reasoning Future Competition organized by the state governor Babatunde Fashola.
  • 1st position in school rally and quiz competition by Scripture Union.
  • Presentation at International Women Day Award Ceremony.
  • 1stposition Bible Quest Recitation. Bible character by SOZO Ministry.
  • Best school in Physics, Lagoon Secondary School Science Competition etc.


  • BMS National Seminar         – August
  • School Planned Annual seminar for staff             – September
  • Inter-house Sport and Athletic competition                         – November
  • Termly revival services              -Nov,March,June
  • Victory Chapel Carol Service             – December
  • Annual outreach to special homes             – December
  • Christmas outreach parade             – December
  • Annual Praise Night for Staff and Students             – December
  • Annual Leadership Seminar for School Prefects             -March/April
  • Annual Career, and Counselling Day             – May
  • Prize-giving day Ceremony              – May
  • Annual Cultural and Creative Art             – May
  • Founder’s week-Annual Thanksgiving              – May
  • Annual Departmental Exhibition Day              – May
  • Annual clubs’ presentations             – July
  • Valedictory service/graduation ceremonies             – July


We are poised to Shaping the Future and be Guided by grace

Bring your girls to Reagan Memorial Baptist Girls Secondary School Sabo-Yaba.